Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-family: Nymphalinae
Scientific name: Hamadryas februa
There are 20 members of the genus Hamadryas, commonly known as Crackers due to the ability of the males of several species to produce a clearly audible sound which is similar to the crackling of bacon in a frying pan.
The sound is produced as the butterflies take off, and is made by twanging a pair of spiny rods at the tip of the abdomen against bristles on the valvae ( the male's anal claspers ). Only males can produce the sound, but both sexes can detect it - their wings have tiny hollow cells covered in membranes which vibrate in response to sound and stimulate nerve endings. The purpose of the sound is not fully understood : it may deter competing males from occupying the same territory, and may also act as a trigger to initiate the first response from a female during courtship.
Hamadryas butterflies use their ears to detect crackling noises made by territorial males. The sound is made by twanging 2 tiny prongs on the tip of the abdomen against bristles on the valvae. The males habitually bask on tree trunks, where they wait to intercept passing females.
All Hamadryas species have a beautiful calico pattern on the upperside. In many there is a series of submarginal ocelli on the hindwings, and distinct kidney-shaped stigmata in the discal cells of fore and hind wings. In several species such as februa and glauconome the ground colour is greyish and the pattern acts as an extremely effective camouflage against the bark of trees. In other species such as amphinome, laodamia and velutina the wings are velvety black with a blue sheen and a pattern of bright blue spots.
Most Hamadryas species are found only in Central and South America, although 8 have been recorded sporadically in the southern USA.
Hamadryas februa is the commonest and most widespread species, found from southern Texas to Uruguay and Paraguay.
This species is found in degraded rainforest and deciduous forest habitats, including orchards and the forested margins of cattle ranches, at altitudes between sea level and about 800 metres.
Adult behaviour:
In common with other Hamadryas species februa can often be seen basking on tree trunks, in a head-downward position and with the wings flattened against the bark. They will bask in this position for long periods to await potential mates. They commonly settle at a height of about 2 metres but if disturbed by humans they fly up and resettle higher up, either on the same tree or on another nearby. They remain high in the trees until the intruder leaves, and then descend the tree trunk in a series of short flights, dropping a short distance each time until after several minutes they resume their original position.
The butterflies are active from sunrise to sunset, and are rarely seen away from tree trunks, but also sometimes bask on rock faces or tree foliage. On a few occasions I have also seen them settling on the ground in lightly vegetated forest clearings.
For more INFO: (Hamadryas februa)
Model: SP565UZ
Software: Picasa 3.0
Exposure Time: 10/8000 sec
F-Stop: f/4.0
ISO Speed Ratings: 64
Focal Length: 1600/100 mm
Date Taken: 2010-07-04 08:12
Metering Mode: Spot
Flash: Flash did not fire
File Size: 259 kb