Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Scientific name: Eresia clio clio (Linnaeus, 1758)
Wing Size: Males 17-19 mm., Females 20-24 mm. Sexes dimorphic.
Male: Fore wing grayish black color with a white spot in the discal cell cream, a creamy white patch in the middle area. Below the discal cell, two white spots on the subápice cream. Hind wing black, gray, cream white stripe, a white dot at the apex cream.
Female: Fore wing grayish black, creamy white stripe in the discal cell, a transverse strip subápice creamy white below. A creamy white speck at the apex, the mean area under the disc cell a circular patch of creamy white. Hind wing black, brown with a wide white stripe cream, creamy white spot at the apex, a creamy white line in the marginal area.