Shoted in: "El Peñón" Montalbán, Carabobo.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Odonata
Superfamily: Libelluloidea
Family: Libellulidae
Genus: Uracis
Species: Uracis imbuta
Make: Canon
Model: Canon PowerShot SX110 IS
Software: PhotoScape
Exposure Time: 1/400s
F-Stop: f/3.5
ISO Speed Ratings: 100
Focal Length: 10300/1000 mm
Date Taken: 2010-02-06 15:40
Metering Mode: Center Weighted Average
Flash: Flash fired 33%
File Size: 261 kb
Montalbán: (GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION) Northwest of Carabobo state. LIMITS. NORTH: Canoabo. SOUTH: Municipalities Bejuma and Miranda. EAST: Bejuma Municipality. WEST: Miranda Yaracuy state and municipality. Geographical coordinates. 68 ° 18'07 "East Longitude, 10 ° 15'08" North latitude.
AREA: 145 square kilometers.
CLIMATE: Tropical, Annual average of 24 º C.
RIVERS: Araguita, Aracal, Montero, Agua de Obispo, Aguirre.