lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

Cunizza hirlanda STOLL, 1790

Hirlanda White
Cunizza hirlanda STOLL, 1790
subfamily - PIERINAE


In the neotropical region there are a total of 192 representatives of the subfamily Pierinae.

There are 5 genera within the tribe Anthocharidini which occur in the neotropics - Mathania and Eroessa being found only in the Andes, while Euchloe and Anthocharis also have many members in the Holarctic region, including the Dappled Whites and Orange tips of Europe.

The remaining genus, Cunizza, comprises of a single species - hirlanda, which has 9 recognised subspecies, found variously in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia. Subspecies ninguida is confined to Peru.


This species is found in the forested foothills of the eastern Andes, and the lowlands of the upper Amazon basin, at altitudes between about 400-1000m.

Adult behaviour

The male is usually encountered singly in the vicinity of streams and waterfalls. In common with the males of many other butterflies of all families, they obtain their sustenance by imbibing mineralised moisture, rather than from nectar. The female is seen less often, usually when visiting flowers, or flying in search of egg-laying sites.