Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Nymphalinae
Genus: Marpesia
Species: zerynthia
Binomial name: Marpesia zerynthia (Hübner, 1823)
Marpesia butterflies are similar in wing shape to Swordtails and
Swallowtails ( Papilionidae ), but are easily distinguished from them by
their straight, clubbed antennae - Papilionids have tapered clubs and
are recurved at the tip.
Most of the 17 Marpesia species have the same characteristic wing shape
as zerynthia, the exception being petreus, which has 2 tails on each
hindwing, and deeply scalloped forewings.
The genus is confined to the neotropical region, but is closely allied to the Afro-Oriental genus Cyrestis.
Marpesia zerynthia ( formerly known as coresia ) cannot be confused with any other species.
This species occurs from Texas to Bolivia.
Marpesia zerynthia is primarily a cloudforest species, and is most abundant at elevations of about 900-1700m.
The eggs are white or yellowish, and laid singly on the foliage of trees
and shrubs in the family Moraceae - including Ficus, Chlorophora,
Brosimum and Artocarpus.
The fully grown caterpillars are very colourful, typically marked with
red and / or yellow spots and stripes. There is a single row of
unbranched, recurved spines along the back, and the head is adorned with
a pair of very long wavy spines. They feed diurnally and rest on the
upper surface of leaves.
The pupae are typically pale in colour, marked with blackish spots or
blotches, and have wiry filaments projecting from the back of the
abdomen and from the head.
Adult behaviour
This species is almost always encountered as small groups of about 6-12
males, visiting wet sand or mud to imbibe mineral-laden moisture. They
particularly favour feeding at shallow fords on unmetalled mountain
In hot weather they jostle constantly for position, and feed with their
wings erect or partly open. In cooler or shady conditions they feed with
wings outspread, displaying the subtle deep maroon hues of the
Are very elusive, spending most of their lives in the forest canopy, but
in overcast weather will sometimes descend to settle on foliage along
forest trails.